Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dug Free Week!

This week at Bryce's school is drug free week, as well as other schools I'm told. Every day we have had a different dress up theme. Monday was wear red day, Tuesday camo day, Wednesday cowboy day, Thursday silly sock day, and Friday jersey day. We dressed up everyday so far, but today was by far the cutest. I will post some pics later on. He decided to wear hid blue plaid shirt with jeans, cow print chaps, boots and of course his black cowboy hat! He LOVED it, and was SOOO cute!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Weekend

This past weekend was tiring, to say the least. I was on call for work and that left Shaun with the boys. Saturday, I woke up to get the boys and myself ready for Bryce's football game and was called out for a case that started at 9:00. I helped Shaun finish getting them ready and then headed to work. My mom, Shaun, Jace, Danny, and Janice were all in attendance for Bryce's game and said he did awesome. Hiked the ball and got to run it and almost made a touchdown except for one little guy who finally ran him down just short of the touchdown. Hate I missed it. After the game MiMi and Paw took the boys to their house for the night and Shaun and I had a nice afternoon after I got home from work. He has been dying to go play golf so I went with him and played the part of "caddy". Basically, I drove the cart and fought mosquitos, lol. We headed home and cooked supper and while he watched the game I read a book. Never have been one for football on TV. Sunday I got called back in and when I got home we headed to get the boys after their birthday party adventure where they had great fun. Maybe next weekend will be a little more relaxing. Yeah, right!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Flag Football

Bryce has started flag football this fall. We talked about it and he decided he wanted to play. He is playing through the YMCA and we have 12 boys on our team at Lakeshore. He has had fun practicing and we've had fun watching him although sometimes he gets bored and we have to have "pep talks" as I laike to call them, lol. We had our first game September 23 at ULM and he played really well. Our last game he did even better. Can't wait for Jace to be old enough to play since we have to hold him the whole time to keep him off the field and out of the way of the boys playing. LOL

Reads Lately

I've been very busy lately it seems with Bryce in school now, working 5 days a week, and Jace in mother's day out and at stephanies, and Bryce also playing flag footbal we are one busy family. Anyway, I've only gotten the chance to really sit down and read one book lately and I got it from Lindsey from It's called This Side Of Heaven and it's a total tearjerker. Hope you like it!

Wine Tasting!

No, I didn't attend a wine tasting as the title implies. Instead I have found a wine that I like the taste of. YAY!! I've never been much of a wine connoisseur since I have never been able to stand the taste of the wines I've been asked to try. Well, all that changed this past weekend. Shaun cousin, Jennifer, text me Saturday night and asked if we would like to bring the boys over and let the kids roast some smoars in their firepit and play for a while. Sure, so we headed over to their place. The ladies decided to pull out the wine and instantly I was refusing. I don't like wine! But finally Jennifer convinced me to just try it, so I did and then I had my own glass after that, and then we went to get more, lol. We had a great time roasting marshmellows and drinking our mascato fireside. Can't wait to do it again!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

This year for our annual pumpkin patch adventure we went back to Curry's for a great time. They have added some new attractions and the kids had a blast! We were met by my husbands sister and her husband and child and his cousins and their kids. The boys had fun playing in the hay, feeding the goats, and picking pumpkins. We came home with 6 pumkins, plenty to carve!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Back to School

Well, Bryce is 4 so we all know what that means, school time. UGH! My baby should not be this old yet, he just shouldn't. Anyway, Pre-K at Lakeshore is where he will be. I'm still in so much shock! My mom and I took the boys shopping Friday and finished up buying uniforms. Jace of course had to have at least one set also and got to pick his out. He decided on a yellow polo and navy shorts, LOL! It won't be long before we will be doing all this over again for him. My babies are growing up WAY to fast! But between my mom and mother-in-law we have all our supplies already! YAY!